An eye to the future

This week in Davos, poverty as we know it will come to an end

Sometimes in history, political and business leaders are pushed to make momentous decisions - decisions that mean real change, and have great impact. Such decisions are never made lightly, but rather because the alternative is too dire to contemplate. Today, we are at just such a crossroads, a moment of true societal crisis when dramatic change is inevitable. The only question is: will we help to usher in that change, or will be its victims? The theme of this year's World Economic Forum is Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild. And for our own sake, and the sake of the future, we must do nothing less.

We can no longer endanger the world for the benefit of a few
Stephen Harper
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Initiatives to End Poverty
Annual Meeting 2010
Sovereign: Let us finally put Colonialism behind Us
Queen Elizabeth II
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Executive Summary
Annual Meeting 2010
Giving poor countries a real choice about food
Patricia Woertz
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A few ideas
Annual Meeting 2010
Azim Premji, Wipro, India